Authorized Personnel Only
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Internal Memorandum
For Your Eyes Only

The contents of the dossiers herein are top-secret government files. This information must be kept completely confidential to ensure not only the safety of the field agents who risk their lives daily but also the continued effectiveness of the agency.

Enclosed is a comprehensive collection of Agent Sydney Bristow's mission briefings, beginning with her time working as a double agent for SD-6 and the CIA. These files chronicle the downfall of SD-6, the rise of the Covenant, and the creation of Authorized Personnel Only, a secret branch of the CIA that's existence is at once sanctioned and denied by the federal government.

In addition to these briefings, the attached files contain profiles detailing each agent's personal history and psych evaluation, comprehensive analyses of the members of other U.S. intelligence agencies and enemies of the state, a combined SD-6/CIA ops tech report on the gadgets supplied for various missions, mission maps, and the official report on Renaissance prophet Milo Rambaldi, including a catalog of all collected artifacts and deciphered codes leading up to his apocalyptic prophecy.

Should these CIA files fall into the wrong hands, the results could be disastrous for the United States and its allies. Proceed with the utmost caution.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2005
    • Simon Spotlight
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1416902155
    • ISBN13: 9781416902157

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