Tales of Cinnamon City is a Science Fiction and Fantasy Series set in the rich, deep world of Megarothia. Ascension is the third novel in the series, mixing elements of military science fiction, epic fantasy, and hi-tech action.

General Markov mounts a daring attack against the Kamari. He wants to draw them out of their hiding places to pull them into a full-scale war, but his bold plan has repercussions for everyone.

Meanwhile, Jacob is acting strangely, talking to his dead brother and engaging in ever more bitter arguments with his father about the future of the Kamari. The captains are forced to choose between father and son.

Rachel can't avoid the truth anymore. She has dreams of a man carrying a black spear, and she knows he's coming for her. His strength is beyond anything she has ever felt before. She's powerless to stop him.

Time is running out for all of them. It's time for Rachel to face her darkest fears.

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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2014
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1503150844
    • ISBN13: 9781503150843
    • Oct-2014
    • Peter James West
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Nov-2014
    • Peter James West
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1502217473
    • ISBN13: 9781502217479

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