As Pretty As a Picture
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Brought Together Again By God, is about two people who are brought together by fate and their love of God and helping others. One is a governess who is overweight, and one a teacher, and both help children who face bullying or self-esteem issues, for whatever reason PLUS A Rough Hewn Cowboy - A woman decides to become a mail order bride but goes west under subterfuge â€" she already has a man lined up even though she will be supposedly matched up with a cowboy by the company who is paying her way PLUS An Extra Bride For The Gold Assayer, Means One For The Outlaw? - A French-Canadian woman heads for Montana even though she hasn't written to her potential husband, because she assumes that she will be perfect for the man who advertised for a bride PLUS Fighting For His Love - An overweight English widow makes the long journey from England to her intended, a Texas cowboy. It turns out that neither got what they expected.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2017
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1387369024
    • ISBN13: 9781387369027

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