Katie's latest adventure is mostly told through the eyes of an 80's native. Roger Rogers is the CEO of a clandestine government lie factory. His influential father-in-law has all but guaranteed his financial comfort and career success. He never expected to also score the most stunning mistress anyone has ever envied. Life couldn't be easier, until he dies, or thinks he has. Was it a dream? It seemed very real. Then a representative from the American government invites Roger to find a man suspected of meddling in their politics. Refusal is not an option. To make matters worse, his beautiful but slightly weird mistress is showing signs of disloyalty. With nothing going to plan, and frequent blackouts, Roger begins to doubt his sanity.This novel explores the notion that history is nothing but a collection of memories which we all agree on. As with Katie, some characters have appeared in a previous novel, Anything Anywhere Anytime, but that story was set fifty years later, so there are no major spoilers. For the excessively curious reader born in this millennium, there are hyperlinks to wiki entries on the interesting developments from that period.
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