As the Great War looms, two sisters' lives are about to change forever...
In Angels of Mercy, Lyn Andrews writes a dramatic, moving saga of two sisters who set off to become nurses in the Great War, far from their loving Liverpudlian homes. Perfect for fans of Anne Baker, Nadine Dorries and Kate Thompson.
Blue-eyed, blond-haired, full of smiles and sweetness, even as babies twins Kate and Evvie Greenway captured the hearts of Liverpool's Scotland Road slumlands. But now they are almost adults the two girls find that being pleasant, popular and blessed with a loving family isn't quite enough. For they've both fallen for men who will break their youthful hearts...
But these sorrows are nothing compared to the tragedies that await them and so many others when the Great War breaks out. Determined to do their part, Kate and Evvie sign up for nursing training and are despatched to the Front, a terrible world far from the life-affirming energy of their homes. Can anything, hope, love or the bond that has always united the sisters, survive all that lies in store for them?
What readers are saying about Angels of Mercy:
'[This] book tugs at every single one of your emotions, and you won't be able to put it down'
'Lots of twists and turns for the people in this book. It made me laugh and it also made me cry... It really does make you think, but it's a page turner, and that's what Lyn Andrews does best!'
'Lyn Andrews ranks as one of the best saga writers in my book. Having just finished Angels of Mercy, I found this novel poignant, engrossing and unputdownable'
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