An Immodest Proposal
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    Traditional Regency
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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Poor Phoebe: Poor relation, private secretary, maid of all work, and governess to a pack of unruly children, she was done up like a threadbare brown wren when she fell in the mud at Bart Harwood's feet. An indecorous meeting, but not their last. He made his intentions clear: He meant to have her --as his mistress!

But fate, in the person of Lord William Zale, decreed otherwise. Without warning, he arrived to take his beautiful niece under his wing. Suddenly the little wren was a bird of paradise. Now it was Miss Phoebe Asher's turn to call the tune. Now the dashing rake must mend his ways, the bachelor come abegging. The man who would have her must win her heart--and her hand--with a proper proposal of marriage.
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