The second in a series of Science fiction action and adventure books about Amber, a girl from Earth who has discovered she has extraordinary powers. Follow Amber as she embarks on her journey to make the universe a better place and inadvertently stumbles upon a plan that threatens every living being in the universe. The evil plan has been formulated by an evil race bent on universal domination even if in achieving their goal they wipe out every living creature in the universe. Amber returns to Caspian Five, the most technologically advanced planet in the universe where she hopes to enhance her knowledge of technology by learning from the Caspians. Amber is hoping that any knowledge she picks up here will be extremely useful in future adventures. The adventure gets off to a disastrous start and things are not quite what they seem to be on Caspian Five. Things go from bad to worse until eventually she forms a friendship with one of the Caspians and events begin to turn around. The friendships and bonds Amber makes on Caspian Five will last forever. As she travels she continues to meet up with a number of beings from different planets, some new and some old, and forms some very special relationships with some of the people she meets along the way. Share the experiences of Amber as she develops her powers and experiences and makes her way to the thrilling finale which will have you reading for a lot longer than you intended because you will just not be able to put off reading the next chapter.
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