Along Came a Twist
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Along Came a Twist defies easy explanation. Christopher Brown's eclectic collection of short stories freely crosses genre borders, hopping from romance to horror, speculative fiction, and gritty realism without missing a beat. Only one factor remains constant. Like Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe before him, Brown has a knack for story-changing twists.

In these ten tales, you'll meet Wade, a business executive whose chance meeting with a waitress offers him a tantalizing choice. In a darkened bar sits a paranoid hit man -- and a woman with the face of one of his victims. Or consider Charles, a department salesman confronting his traumatic military service.

Whether delving into the paranormal or describing the brutal effects of PTSD on veterans returning to civilian life, Brown imbues his characters with life. They are all confronted with moments that change them forever. Their reactions lead them to redemption and love, violent ends, and moments of painful clarity. And because life is rarely simple, some end their tales as bewildered and imperfect as they began.

Immerse yourself in Along Came a Twist, and ask yourself -- will you be ready when your life's pivotal moment arrives?

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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2017
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1541094441
    • ISBN13: 9781541094444

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