For fans of All the World and Love, a poetic story that celebrates the littlest things we all need to be happy and the beauty of sharing with others when we have more to give.All we needis a hug and a smile,a shoulder to lean on every once in a while,the comfort of knowing that love never ends . . . All we need . . . is our family and friends.Each bustling day in our busy world, we can take a moment to appreciate the little things. From the simplest essentials like air and water to the wonderful warmth of family, friends, and neighbors, there is so much in life to be thankful for.Kathy Wolff's melodic verse and Margaux Meganck's lush and cozy city scenes follow three families through moments of daily discovery and joy, culminating in a celebration of community and giving.When we have all we need, plus a little to spare, the only need left . . . is to share.
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