BOOK 12 IN THE POST-APOCALYPTIC ROAD TO BABYLON SERIES._______________________________________NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME.It was a simple job: In and out. No muss, no fuss. Except nothing ever works out that cleanly for a man like Keo.His cover blown, he's hunted through the woods before facing off against not one, but two old foes from his past; Keo has his hands full. And oh, there's a new threat looming on the horizon that no one saw coming, one that could change the course of every survivor.But first things first: Keo has to deal with what's directly in front of him.It's fight or flight, and Keo has never been one to run. Then again, he's never had to deal with something like this before...The conclusion of the three-part Shaker Town storyline.
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