"AHistory" serves as the definitive (if unofficial) timeline to the whole of "Doctor Who," and incorporates nearly 500 full-length stories into a cohesive chronology. In short, this book indexes virtually every "Doctor Who" event worth nothing -- starting at the beginning of time and running through to the universe's end. This guide is the vastly updated and revised successor to Parkin's hugely acclaimed "A History of the Universe" (1996), and contains more than double the material of the original. All told, "AHistory" incorporates: More than four decades of the "Doctor Who" TV show, including the 2005 series starring Christopher Eccleston; all original "Doctor Who" novels up through "The Gallifrey Chronicles; all "Doctor Who" novellas from Telos and all "Doctor Who" audios from Big Finish up through "Terror Firma." This book is written by Lance Parkin, with additional reporting by Lars Pearson (the "I, Who" series).
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