This series centers around seven brothers and one sister raised by Penelope and Jude Donahue in the idyllic Florida seaside town of Pelican Bay. A blended family of adopted and biological siblings, the Donahue clan always have each other's backs as they face life's challenges and search for love. A spin-off of the Cape Cod Donahue brothers, the Pelican Bay clan are their southern cousins.
Caleb Donahue is a chef who has recently achieved his life's dream of opening his own bistro, The Blue Bayou. Adopted by the Donahue family of Pelican Bay, Caleb's past is a bit murky. He's stuffed down the memories of his biological mother and the circumstances leading to his adoption by the Donahue family. Addie Fontaine steps in to his life when he least expects it. Daughter of a wealthy businessman, Sebastian Fontaine, Addie is attempting to prove herself to her father by making inroads in the business world. When her father gives her his partnership in the Blue Bayou, Addie ends up working side by side with Caleb. Addie is determined to step up and live her life out loud, while Caleb is determined to make his bistro a success. When love comes calling, will Addie and Caleb be able to reach out for the love of a lifetime?
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