I loved the complexities of the characters and the dynamics between Christian and Ellie.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(Goodreads Review)I've been waiting for PB2 and it did not disappoint! It suddenly brings a whole new perspective to the events of PB1 and you get to learn a lot more about how the vampire world works.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(Amazon UK Review)WHAT IF YOU LOVED THE ONE YOU HAD TO KILL?Being a senior official at The System, the vampire world's governing body, Christian routinely assigns secret missions to his agents. As The System's most powerful immortal, he also takes responsibility for some of the trickier tasks himself. When he stumbles upon a project that was kept secret from him, Christian decides to investigate. Why was he not told about this vampire that his employer wants to recruit? Why can't he get anywhere near this elusive immortal? Soon, he discovers that this is no ordinary vampire that he is hunting. And when he is suddenly overwhelmed by a rush of strange emotions, Christian is left even more perplexed. Is any of this related to Ellie? Book 2 of the Poison Blood series answers some of the questions raised in book one while asking many more.**Absolution retells the events of Book 1 from Christian's point of view. However, there are loads of EXTRA scenes and vital information in Book 2 that will add to the reading experience going into Book 3, where we return to Ellie's perspective.**Book Details:Length: A 33,000-word paranormal urban fantasy novelMood: Dark / Humorous / Coming of ageContent: No violence / No explicit sex scenes / No er*ticaAudience: For Teens / Young Adults / New Adults / AdultsRecommended for: Fans of Twilight, The Mortal Instruments, A Shade of Vampire, and readers that love all things vampires, slayers, witches, and the Chosen One!Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance / Teen Vampire Romance / YA Paranormal Fantasy / Teen Urban Fantasy / Teen & YA Science Fiction & Fantasy / YA & Teen Action & Adventure / Supernatural Fantasy / Supernatural Romance
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