Abigail's Strange Unusual Summer is a sequel to Abigail's Secrets, however they are both stand-alone stories. This book is a continuing of the Graham family. In the difficult Depression years, Uncle George was out of work and his family still lived with Abby's family. It was hard at first for Abby to share her room with Gloria, Uncle George and aunt Hester's daughter, but she didn't mind so much anymore. The house was pretty full, but it was kind of fun. Of course, there was mother and father and grandmother, then Caroline, her 18-year-old sister, who was a pain most of the time…but she really saved the day when she caught the runaway cow. Well, I guess it was night not day. It all happened on Abby's birthday just as the party was over. Robert Abby's 15 year old brother was there too, but he was running the other way. Then father and Uncle George got into the chase. It was all exciting and scary. It ended up that Caroline got the cow and put him in the stall…as father came up the alley dragging the boy behind him. The boy was kicking and screaming, “Don't call the cops…puh-lease don't' call the cops!”
With the coming of this young hobo, who said his name was Rafael, there were all kinds of strange events. Who was he? Where had he come from? And where was he going? How had Claudette, the cow gotten loose? Why did father threaten to tear down the playhouse?
Then there was all the excitement with the coming of the Indiana state fair. The fairgrounds were only a few blocks away from the Graham home, and the story takes a twist and turn with Abby, Robert and their friends sneaking into the fairgrounds, their good fortune of meeting Emmy Lou and the events involving Rafeal. It all made for a strange and unusual summer.
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