Abductions and Lies
Women have been disappearing, snatched off the streets in the early morning hours. One body has been found. The pressure is on to find the perpetrator and put a stop to this.

It's bad enough that Jesse Damon is paroled on a murder conviction, and the police take a serious look at him whenever there's trouble in the neighborhood. But when two girls report an attempted carjacking at three in the morning, and Jesse is picked up walking on the street a few blocks away, things go downhill fast.

One of the girls identifies him as the person responsible.

The detective in charge of the case is sure he has it wrapped up. No one checks into Jesse's alibis for most of the abductions, or looks for the true culprit.

Jesse has one advantage over the cops -- he knows he didn't do it. And if the real abductor isn't found soon, that positive ID is going to land him back in prison...
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2016
    • Wildside Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1479420263
    • ISBN13: 9781479420261
    • Apr-2016
    • Wildside Press
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Apr-2016
    • Wildside Press
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1479421502
    • ISBN13: 9781479421503

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