Josef's AngelThis story begins during World War Two but jumps to Chicago in the 1970's. The plot and characters surprised me; I didn't know it would turn out the way it did. Happily, that's one of the joys of writing crime fiction. JOSEF'S ANGEL was originally published in digital format in 2006.High YellowI grew up in Washington, DC, and I always wanted to set a story there. For some reason, it never quite worked until now. HIGH YELLOW remains one of my favorites, not just because it triggered so many memories of my childhood, but for what it says about the culture of what was—until the Kennedy administration—essentially a southern city. It was written for and published in Megan Abbott's A HELL OF A WOMAN: An Anthology of Female Noir (Busted Flush Press, 2007).A Winter's TaleThis Ellie Foreman story, about the murder of one of Ellie's wealthy neighbosr and his trophy wife's involvement, was published in 2005 in the TECHNO NOIR anthology, edited by Eva Batonne and Jeffrey Marks. Bear in mind that the anthology was released pre-Facebook and Twitter.Capital PartnersThis short story was originally published in the Writes of Spring Anthology, Nodin Press, 2012, edited by Pat Frovarp and Gary Shulze. The story is about two women whose husbands are caught in a Ponzi scheme and take matters into their own hands. A fine story... Publishers Weekly
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