Aaand, stepping into the center ring! -- the streak of color with the dirty mouth! -- the pummeling you never saw coming! -- five time champion of the level two fighting pits, Ruuush! Or so it used to be. Made into a killing machine by a unique combination of drugs, Rush has been living like a force of nature, always moving forward, never once looking back. But after helping overthrow the city's Management, Rush is bored. Bored. Luckily (or not), a conspiracy is brewing in the city of Babylon, threatening everything Rush ever fought for. Dragged into its gaping jaws, Rush is forced to fight for her fix and her freedom, as well as her life. And she wouldn't have it any other way. Featuring the faster-than-light violet-haired cage fighter from Ascent: the Second Book of the Nameless Chronicle, this novella takes place between Ascent and Strife.
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