A Small Town Kind of Faith
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5 Small Town Short Stories For the Journey of FaithLike all small towns, Mill Creek Junction is served by a small-town pastor. Not just any pastor. One who can help shepherd the good Junction folks through life's ups and downs. His name is Peter Daniel Young.He originally appeared in the spiritual coming of age series Faith Reimagined. He's since grown from a young adult navigating all sorts of questions about faith, life, and everything in between. Now he's struggling to help others navigate the same path.The first two stories in this collection come from a few chapters in those books, giving you some face time with our friend Peter before he arrived in Mill Creek Junction.Story three is the transition point, where Peter looks to take over for the Rev, the Junction's long-time pastor who is retiring. It's a sweet story of generational transitions. The passing of a baton from the old to the new, with a lesson for us all.The fourth story is a deep one, where Pastor Peter has both the privilege and gut-wrenching experience of presiding over the funeral of a thirtysomething young husband and father. It's a personal experience, in more ways than one, which offers him a lesson on the power of paying forward what we ourselves gain through hardship.A hosting the Junction's Election Day polling station, Peter meets up with some new friends and ends up preaching to himself about what's important as a citizen of both heaven and earth.The Book of Proverbs has a pithy nugget of wisdom: In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. The Lord is ready, willing, and able to direct our path-each step of the way.We're all on a journey, trying to figure out and navigate this thing called life, usually stumbling along the way. That's Peter's story, and what he discovers is what the proverb reminds us.
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2025
    • Emmausway Press
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1948545888
    • ISBN13: 9781948545884
    • EmmausWay Press
    • eBook
    • Jan-2025
    • EmmausWay Press
    • eBook (Kindle)

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