A Quest for Skye
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Doctors Morgan and Tammy Hamilton take a vacation from their pediatric clinic in Saint Paul, Minnesota to board a cruise ship for the Caribbean. Devastated by Tammy's third miscarriage and the news that she will never be able to bear children, the couple hopes to use the fourteen day cruise to regain their emotional footing. But life has other plans for them.

Among the passengers is Skye, a nine-year old girl with an irrepressible spirit, and a passion for living that touches everyone around her. Infused with hope and a belief in a loving God, Skye becomes the daughter that the Hamiltons could never have.

But despite her open and honest nature, Skye is surrounded by ominous questions. Was the accident that killed her parents truly an accident? Or was it sabotage? Why are news reporters hounding this innocent child? What secrets are concealed in the laboratory clinic on the island of Kardia? The truth -- if they ever find it -- can bring a government to its knees, and thrust national power into the hands of men who will not hesitate to shed the blood of innocents.

The Hamiltons are drawn into a struggle to protect the little girl they've come to love. As everything they value begins slipping away from them, these hardnosed and pragmatic doctors suddenly find themselves praying for a miracle.

When the miracle comes, it's not at all what Morgan and Tammy have in mind.

Because Skye has been praying too...
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2012
    • Tor
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0985252332
    • ISBN13: 9780985252335

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