Set against a backdrop of clashing steel and heroic hearts, here is the sweeping tale of a Scottish noblewoman and a Norman mercenary who fight to claim their passionate future...
In exchange for land of his own, mercenary Guy de Bellemare agrees to undertake a secret mission for King William the Conqueror. Disguised as a priest, he must entice Gabrielle Aumont from a convent in the North and bring her back to London to fulfill the terms of an arranged marriage.
But Gabrielle has a mission of her own: to escape to the safety of her clan in Scotland far away from her murderous uncle. Not even the handsome priest who risks his life to protect her can thwart her plans.
Until white-hot desire melts the barriers between them. Until Gabrielle becomes a pawn of ambitiious men, and Guy must choose between his king and his heart, between resistance and surrender to a love more precious than life itself...
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