A Place to Call Home is the heartwarming and inspiring story of an abandoned white German shepherd puppy named Toby and his cross-country search for a forever home. Narrated in part by the animal characters in the book, the reader experiences Toby's world through his eyes and those of the animals he meets on his journey.
Toby's life begins on a farm where the carefree, happy days he has known come to an abrupt end when his breeder decides to "dispose" of him and his sister Tara because of the color of their fur. With the help of a kind farmhand, the two puppies escape unharmed.
After a tumultuous time during which Toby is shuffled from place to place, he is finally adopted, but he quickly realizes his new family has deep-seated issues that put him in danger, and what seemed like an ideal home, turns into another place he must escape from.
As Toby struggles to find a forever home where he can feel safe and secure, he experiences some painful losses, but he also makes new friends--friends who will help him to trust humans again and teach him the power of love.
Inspired by a true story, this middle grade/young adult novel can be enjoyed by dog lovers of all ages.
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