Powers beyond mortal comprehension have cast Ron Allison into an ancient world, thrown back in time to the beginning of his own story. Facing a world of strangers in a foreign land...his entire reality ripped from him...how can he cope? How could any man?Once more, Ron must push past innumerous challenges, both from brutal, physical adversaries and from heart-wrenching emotional ones within himself. And he must do it without delay or die.This episode is a story that will shuttle you back and forth from ancient Erthania to modern Caron, and it will shock and amaze you time and again.Josylinia Gitove begins this tale still plagued with deep emotional sorrow at the loss of her betrothed, but at a point of unbridled hope for a joyous future...her first children almost ready to join her out in the world. However, she soon finds herself in turmoil of a whole new and frightening sort when she is visited by an unexpected group, and given the chance to find out exactly what happened to the light of her life.She is immediately ingratiated into a society that has based its entire values and principles upon the mythical life of a certain legendary hero...Ronin Alsone. Upon delving into their beliefs however, she is quickly corrected, as he was no myth...and they have the written word to prove it.The manuscript they produce allows Josy to turn back the veil of time and experience what that fantastic, indomitable man was faced with and had to overcome...and what his eventual fate was. She is both driven to read it and terrified of it as well, for she knows some of the legend of Ronin Alsone...and she knows that legends of men such as he are not forged out of peaceful, quiet lives filled with love and family. They are forged out of battle, war, and death.The book forces her to experience many pulse-pounding adventures, periods of deep, terrible pain and emotional turmoil, and gut-wrenching tragedy at almost every turn.This story was not written to settle one’s mind in a gentle coddling way. It was written as proof that a man called Ronin did in fact live...that he was in fact real...and thus that his bravery, chivalry, and personal code of honor could be achieved, if one is devoted enough.This is not a children’s story...it is the life of Ronin Alsone of Erthania!
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