A Kiss To Revive Me
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A prickly mage has me under his spell, and I think I kinda like it.The first time I met him, I knew I was in trouble, but I hadn't known just how much. I hadn't been looking for a relationship, hadn't wanted one, but it seems that a stubborn little mage did it for me because he's impossible to resist.When the NHSO goes on a manhunt for an unregistered mage, I can tell it's upsetting for Mads and Jude. It's upsetting for me, too, but even more so when I find out exactly why Mads is so worried about this kid. The more I find out about Madeo's past and his world, the more I realize how special he is. No one who's gone through what he has should come out the other side sane, let alone as kindhearted as him. I just hope he wants this thing between us to continue as badly as I do. And I want it to. Bad.A Kiss To Revive Me is a 30K word MM urban fantasy novella and meant to be read AFTER The Scars That Bind Us (The Magi Accounts 1). It's from Cosmo's perspective and takes place between books 1 and 2 of the main series. This is a companion novella, NOT a standalone or the start of a new series.*Intended for adults only. Please read the trigger warnings at the beginning of this novella.
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