“A Heartbeat Away” is Jack Reacher's twisting tale of intrigue, romance, and murder. Tall, rugged, our hard-nosed hero's attention is split between nailing an arrogant crime lord, and making time for his girlfriend, Adriana Abilio, whose smile can turn a man to putty. Bright and confident, she helps him with his investigation. No one is as he appears. Supposed allies are big question marks. The more they dig, the more erroneous possibilities arise. A murder complicates his search. Can he slog his way through the felonious quagmire to discover who's really pulling the strings? If he can untwist the tangle of lies, what will he find? Will he regret what he discovers? At the end of the day he'll have to choose what's most important to him. An easy choice? Whether a man chases excitement or a skirt, he'll inevitably find himself on the bad of side of town where murder hides in the shadows. Does a woman's tender touch await him? Or a shallow grave?
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