A Duke in Disguise
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    Print / eBook
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  • Main Genre:
    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820) Victorian (1837-1901)
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Samuel Rowe, Duke of Edgmont, wearies under the burden of his title and decides to take a holiday from it by assuming the name of his mischievous friend Edward Nicholl. Both men arrive in Bath, eager for adventure or anonymity. Neither expects to find romance. Miss Joanna Devereaux is only too delighted to escape her newly-married brother's home and visit an old friend in Bath She has never been to the popular spa town and is set on adventure and a romance of her own. When she hears tell of the dashing Duke of Edgmont she promptly decides that he is the one for her, although on meeting she is rather more charmed by his penniless friend... A Duke in Disguise is a traditional regency historical romance in the tradition of Jane Austen. It is the third book in the Westham Chronicles series.
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