In this eagerly awaited sequel to John J. Gobbell's The Last Lieutenant, Lieutenant Todd Ingram returns to find himself fighting to win the war and save the woman he loves...
As the war in the South Pacific heats up, Lieutenant Todd Ingram gets a new assignment to the destroyer U.S.S. Howell, on which he will serve as executive officer. Thrown into two epic naval battles of early World War II, the Baffle of Cape Esperance and the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands, a young but already battle-weary Todd Ingram is also in the middle of a personal nightmare: his sweetheart, Army nurse Helen Durand, is trapped behind enemy lines, fighting for the resistance on Mindanao. With Soviet espionage activity hindering his rescue of Helen, Lieutenant Ingram is at an impasse. In danger of losing both the woman he loves and a war in which he has fought so valiantly, Ingram puts his life on the line for a world on the brink of destruction...
LOVERS SEPARATED BY WAR AND FATE... From the whispers of lovers parted by war to the explosive, harrowing naval action in the Baffle of the Santa Cruz Islands, A CODE FOR TOMORROW brilliantly portrays World War II and the lives it irrevocably touched...
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