The lady had just vanished, they all said when Corey asked. But can you leave it at that when the missing person is the wife of the man you love? What do you do when the man you love may be her murderer? -- If you're Corey Bradford, beautiful, young, and determined, you begin a search through the closets of Charleston society and the fog-encircled ruins of old fortresses...a dangerous search for skeletons, both figurative and real!
Paris in the Springtimeā¦ where you heart is light and gay? Where everything is roses and love and champagne and pretty girls?
Don't you believe it, Mac. Not for a minute. Except for the pretty girls.
Paris, this springtime, was where so many corpses littered the Flea Market that a killer could barely make a decent getaway.
Paris, this springtime, was where a U.S. Senator was sitting, most uncomfortably, on a political bombshell that would rock both sides of the ocean.
And for me, Chet Drum, Paris was where I found Dominique, the treacherous little tease who led me along the bloodiest trail I -- or Paris -- had ever seen.
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