Spring of 1963, Los Angeles: The Dodgers are opening another season in their brand-new park, the Beach Boys sing from open car windows, and tourists clog the beach at Santa Monica. Stop at a red light, and a movie star might cross the street in front of you. It all smells of hot dogs and smog and suntan oil.There's a darkening shadow over the fun. Women are being found asleep on the streets of Hollywood, and they never wake up. Morning after morning, the L.A Times headlines shout about the Sleeping Beauty murders, but the cops have no leads. A young girl named Corah Glass dreams about a monster, one she says is real. Only a boy named Bink believes her.Fifty years later the killer is awake, and bodies again litter the sidewalks of Hollywood. Reunited after lives spent apart, Bink and Corah are forced back to their eleventh summer and the childhood nightmares they shared. Believing in kid stuff-true love and monsters-might be the only thing that saves them.Start this one early, or it will keep you up all night.Tom Towslee, author of Chasing the Dead...gritty intrigue, desire, and sweet yearning.Joanna Kafarowski, author of The Polar Adventures of a Rich American Dame
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