Maggie MacGowen, an independent filmmaker, is initially intrigued by the twenty-year-old cop-killing case of Roy Frady because her boyfriend, L.A.P.D. cop Mike Flint, had been Frady's partner. Twenty years ago, Frady was shot in the head. The murder went unsolved.
Maggie realizes there's more than she thought at stake as the Frady case is literally jumping with sex, jealousy, and violence. And she's soon out in the neighborhood, turning over rocks, looking at what crawls out from underneath. She doesn't realize that what she finds is still deadly enough to spread its poison into her own relationships and to set off a rash of new killings that shatter her theories--and her life.
This chilling mystery thriller gives added testimony to the award--winning talents of Wendy Hornsby and the enduring appeal of her smart, savvy, sexy heroine/sleuth, Maggie MacGowen.
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