PENTAGON'S HAMMER is played out during a twelve day global event involving the United States, North Korea, India, Pakistan, the Pacific Rim, and, on a peripheral scale, Cuba, China, and Russia. The stage was set with 9/11 on the New York trade center, when Islamic extremists successfully carried out the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Years later, following the outsourcing of critical and sensitive programs by the defense department, vital information for the NSA's most critical, and highly classified satellite system, the ASATs (attack satellites), falls into the hands of the adversary.
The adversary, HASAN HAMMAD, principal Jihad antagonist to the Unites States and the free world, by manipulating critical satellites is able to puncture the U.S. defense shield. The earliest indication to the breach is detected by TRACY BAUER, NSA Intel strategist, liaison to the Pentagon. In conjunction, ALEX BAUER, father of Tracy, and long time defense analyst and design engineer with DOD and BMO (Ballistics Missiles Office), a branch of SAC, comes across classified information on EMP and its inherited vulnerability to the nation's strategic defense infrastructure, the Minuteman III and Peacekeeper missile systems.
Whereas EMP, electromagnetic pulsing, is a highly sophisticated process generated by an atomic explosion, it can also be set off through a simple and inexpensive trigger device. What makes it even more detrimental, this science and technology has been hidden from the public eyes for more than sixty years. Through vital intelligence leaks and organizational compromises created by current economic conditions, however, North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, and the Jihad have gained knowledge for this once closely guarded secret.
Initial attempts by BRIAN HARRIS, NSA operative and longtime friend to Alex Bauer, in fixing the vulnerability in the satellite defense system, fail. It will take days, in collaboration with Tracy and Alex, for Brian to identify the source of the...
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