A snippet out of this book: "The first thing, that he saw, was the person, as it seemed an agent, the second thing, what catched his sight, was the environment, which was stained with Illuminati symbols, the third thing was, with a concentrated closer sight the file itself. He did start his sight system fully, which was made out of some pointed system parts, some cross-checking contacts, and what he calls; What I recognize... Space even. This file was the file about himself as he saw, and the topic was the war declaration, which he sent once to DIA, CIA and NSA, and this war declaration did even end among ODNI... Now did Awytok check the persons thoughtful and just mumbled through blackdoor close to this person's ear: 'Cause of the reasons, Idiot ' Awytok turned around and drunk the rest of his coffee, he did put the cup into the sink and walked through the floor to the steps, through divers blackdoors, still on ground as distracting, as a hide. He went downstairs, took the last steps on the street and enlightened a cigarette... 'So, a confidential file did went out, who is he, I wonder...' This Awytok thought. Now did the mention reach the ear of the file owner, a little bit time shifted even. 'Cause of the reasons, Idiot ' "The reasons... I really forgot through this thoughtful, Awytok's reasons..." Agent Frazers did take three steps back and started with the first page again. Awytok's private data, Awytok's personal detail, Awytok's particulars... The next thing, that he thought was; 'Why do I think in this way?' And agent Frazers became scared, scared as hell..." The author's comment: "This book is released as a thriller, means its fictional material. I did use real names at most places, just cause; Yes, yes It's even for author's not illegal, as it is not illegal for the free democratic press Some things could have consequences for the author, some things could have consequences for the describe persons and institutions..." This completely book is written in Zurich Switzerland and it does represent the private opinion of the author, Matthias Barlocher. Some things did happen, some things not... Some things are flowered, some things darkened... regards Matthias Barlocher Zurich - Switzerland"
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