Florida Series in Order: 2 books

  • Book - 1

    Growing up as just plain ol' trailer trash in South Georgia, Becca Sue has floated along on a sea of low expectations for 30 years. Now she's washed up on the coast of Florida, but not on the beach. She finds herself in an unfinished luxury subdiv...

  • Book - 2

    Used to a lifetime of no one caring where she was, Becca Sue's not sure she likes it when everyone wants her with them. The luxury subdivision she inherited is on it's feet as Backwater, Florida. With the market and shops, it's now a multi-use com...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There are 2 books in the Florida series.

The Florida series does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Wish You Were Here (Book 2), was published in January 2018.

The first book in the Florida series, Backwater, Florida, was published in February 2017.

The Florida series primarily falls into the General Fiction genre.