REAL PLEASURE CAN'T BE TAKEN... Granddaughter of a renowned courtesan, Maybelle de Maitenon has no interest in her grandmother's school in London where gentlemen receive instruction--in the art of seduction. Her only desire in life is to remain indep...
DESPERATE TIMES... It's been months since Lady Charlotte Chartwell's philandering husband met his untimely end at the hands of an angry mistress. But as miserable as he made Charlotte in life, his death proves to be an even harsher blow. For not a fa...
Educating one's self in the art of love takes time. Lady Caroline Arabella Sterling has been in love with her older brother's friend, Lord Caldwell, since she was thirteen. Unfortunately, too many things get in the way of proving her love. Her four y...
Derek Charles Holbrook, Viscount Banfield, knew his fate since he was seventeen when his father announced his union to the beautiful but mysterious American girl by the name of Miss Grey. To protect the troubled estate, Derek submits to his father's ...
The greatest divide between a man and a woman is not the one society sets before them but the one they set before themselves... After Miss Leona Olivia Webster had allowed herself to fall in love with a dashing childhood friend who had left her scorn...
At forty, Lady Cecilia Evangeline Stone thinks she has everything a woman could ever want. A title, a fortune, and four children who make her proud. After a marriage of convenience that was anything but convenient, she has no desire to complicate her...
Long before becoming the flamboyant courtesan known to men as Madame de Maitenon, Thérèse Angelique Bouchard, dreamed of becoming an actress capable of commanding not only the stage but all of Paris. Until she meets an extraordinary aristocratic ge...