Wheel of Time for Kids Series in Order: 4 books

  • Book - 1

    For Rand al’Thor and his pals, life in the sleepy village of Emond’s Field has been pretty dull. Until the appearance on festival night of Moiraine, a mysterious woman who claims to be an Aes Sdeai -- a magician who can wield the One Power. Soon ...

  • Book - 2

    An American Library Association “Best Books for Young Adults”
    A VOYA “Best Books for Young Adults”

    “Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal.” -- The New York Times

    Pursued by Trollocs and Myrdd...

  • Book - 3

    Since they were boys, Rand and his friends have heard the tales of the Great Hunt of the Horn. Fabulous tales of hunters and of a legendary horn that can raise the dead heroes of the ages.

    But no sooner is the horn found then it is stolen.

  • Book - 4

    In this second part of the tale after The Hunt Begins, Rand al'Thor-- reluctantly drawn into the quest to recover the Horn of Valere--must face something even more frightening that the Myrddraal and Trollocs: his own true identity.

    Can Rand ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

There are 4 books in the Wheel of Time for Kids series.

The Wheel of Time for Kids series does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, New Threads in the Pattern (Book 4), was published in January 2004.

The first book in the Wheel of Time for Kids series, From the Two Rivers, was published in January 2002.

The Wheel of Time for Kids series primarily falls into the Epic Fantasy genre. This middle grade series was written for ages 8-12, but can be enjoyed by older readers as well.