Adair, Dennis |
Victoria |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Adams, Candice |
Legal and Tender |
THTH-6 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Adams, Robert |
A Woman of the Horseclans |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Adler, Renata |
Pitch Dark |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Aiken, Joan |
Bridle the Wind |
Historical / H |
Nov-01-1983 |
Aldiss, Brian W. |
Helliconia Summer |
Steampunk / ST |
Nov-01-1983 |
Alexander, Bea |
Advice and Consent |
SFL-69 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Anthony, Evelyn |
The Avenue of the Dead |
Gothic / GO |
Nov-01-1983 |
Asch, Sholem |
East River |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Ashby, Juliet |
Midnight Lover |
SR-258 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Astley, Thea |
A Boat Load of Homefolk |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bates, Jenny |
Gilded Spring |
THTH-5 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-1983 |
Becker, Stephen |
The Blue-Eyed Shan |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Benet, Deborah |
Winter Flame |
RR-44 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bernard, Dorothy Ann |
Destiny's Touch |
CER-190 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bird, Beverly |
The Fires of Winter |
SIM-23 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Black, Jackie |
A Time to Love |
CER-187 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Blair, Cynthia |
Battle Scars |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Blake, Laurel |
Stranger in Paradise |
SC-154 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bolliger, Max |
The Little Singer |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bone, Walter, Sir |
The Loves of Lord Roxboro |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Brautigan, Richard |
Beneath Our Armour |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Brightfield, Richard |
Phantom Submarine |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Brown, Sandra |
Breakfast in Bed |
LS-22 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-1983 |
Browne, Dik |
Hagar the Horrible: Helga's Revenge |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Browne, Gerald A. |
Slide |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Bryan, Eileen |
Memory and Desire |
CER-193 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Burgess, Anthony |
Devil of a State |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Calkins, Frank |
The Long Riders' Winter |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Calloway, Jo |
Windsong |
CER-188 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Calvino, Italo |
Marcovaldo: or the Seasons in the City |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-16-1983 |
Carpenter, Amanda |
A Deeper Dimension |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Carr, Eleni |
Play It Again |
SSE-130 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Carris, Joan |
When the Boys Ran the House |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Carris, Joan |
When the Boys Ran Home |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Carson, Angela |
The Face of the Stranger |
MB-2145 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Carter, Nick |
Earthfire North |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Chambers, Ginger |
Game of Hearts |
HAR-32 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Chesney, Marion |
The Viscount's Revenge |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Nov-01-1983 |
Chesney, Marion |
The Taming of Annabelle |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Nov-01-1983 |
Clair, Daphne |
Marriage Under Fire |
MB-2140 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Clark, Halsey |
Grand Finale |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Clason, George |
The Richest Man in Babylon |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Cleve, John |
Assignment Hellhole |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Combs, Becky |
Taking Savannah |
LS-23 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Combs, David |
Sleepwalker |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Compton, D.G. |
Windows |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Coon, Susan |
Cassilee |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Coon, Susan |
The Virgin |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Coville, Bruce |
Eyes of the Tarot |
Horror / HORR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Coward, Noel |
The Collected Stories |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Craven, Sara |
A Bad Enemy |
MB-2141 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Crawford, Diane |
Season of Marriage |
SC-158 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Crisp, N.J. |
Yesterday's Gone |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Cronin, A.J. |
The Citadel |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Dailey, Janet |
The Best Way to Lose |
SSE-132 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Davies, Robertson |
High Spirits |
Horror / HORR |
Oct-27-1983 |
Detorie, Rick |
Totally Tacky Cartoons |
Space Opera / SO |
Nov-01-1983 |
Devon, D.G. |
Shattered Mask |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
DeWeese, Gene |
Something Answered |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Diamond, Graham |
Marrakesh Nights |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Dixon, Stephen |
Movies: Seventeen Stories |
Literary / L |
Nov-01-1983 |
Doig, Ivan |
The Sea Runners |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Drake, Bonnie |
Gemstone |
CER-186 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-1983 |
Drake, David |
From the Heart of Darkness |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Drummond, June |
Slowly the Poison |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Duvall, Aimee |
The Loving Touch |
SC-159 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Dwyer, William |
The Day Is Ours |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Elgin, Suzette Haden |
And Then There'll Be Fireworks |
Horror / HORR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Ellison, Harlan |
Memos from Purgatory |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
English, Genevieve |
The French Confection |
SR-259 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Essex, Marianna |
Torrent of Love |
RR-41 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Evans, Tabor |
Longarm and Santa Anna's Gold |
Historical / H |
Nov-01-1983 |
Fairman, Paula |
River of Passion |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Faulkner, Whitney |
Jane's Promise |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Fisher, David |
War Magician |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Folan, Lilias M. |
Lilias, Yoga and You |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Freeling, Nicolas |
The Back of the North Wind |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Nov-01-1983 |
Fuller, John Grant |
Tales of the Uncanny |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Garrett, George P. |
The Succession |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Gatenby, Greg |
Whales, A Celebration |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-07-1983 |
Gent, Peter |
The Franchise |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Gide, Andre |
Corydon |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Gildner, Gary |
The Crush |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Gill, Bartholomew |
McGarr and the P.M. of Belgrave Square |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Nov-01-1983 |
Gilliland, Alexis A. |
End of the Empire |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-12-1983 |
Goldman, William |
The Silent Gondoliers |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Goodman, Julius |
Horror of High Ridge |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Grice, Julia |
Season of Desire |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hackett, John |
The Third World War |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Haldeman, Joe |
Worlds Apart |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hale, Dorthea |
A Woman's Prerogative |
HAR-29 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Haley, Jocelyn |
Cry of the Falcon |
HS-88 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hampson, Anne |
Soft Velvet Night |
SR-256 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hancock, Niel |
The Road to the Middle Islands |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hancock, Niel |
The Plains of the Sea |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hancock, Niel |
On the Boundaries of Darkness |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hancock, Niel |
Across the Far Mountain |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Harlan, Elizabeth |
Footfalls |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Harrell, Janice |
Puppy Love |
SFL-67 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Harris, Marilyn |
Runaway's Diary |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Harris, Norma |
The Sons of Ada Stone |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Harrison, Claire |
Prophecy of Desire |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hasford, Gustav |
Short Timers |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hasford, Gustav |
The Short-Timers |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Haycraft, Howard |
Art of the Mystery Story |
Mystery / M |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hermann, Spring |
Taking Chances |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hervey, Evelyn |
The Governess |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hewitt, Elizabeth |
The Fortune Hunter |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hopper, Nancy J. |
The Seven 1/2 Sins of Stacey Kendall |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hough, S.B. |
Sweet Sister Seduced |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hough, S.B. |
Dear Daughter Dead |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Howard, Alyssa |
Southern Persuasion |
SD-100 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Howard, Linda |
Against the Rules |
SIM-22 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Howard, Maureen |
Grace Abounding |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hughes, Patrick |
More on Oxymorons |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-17-1983 |
Hunter, E.J. |
Boomtown Bust |
Historical / H |
Nov-01-1983 |
Hunter, Elizabeth (1) |
A Tower of Strength |
SR-257 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Ing, Dean |
Single Combat |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Innes, Michael |
Sheiks and Adders |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Jackson, Charles |
The Lost Weekend |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
James, Stephanie |
Battle Prize |
SD-97 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Jameson, Claudia |
Gentle Persuasion |
MB-2144 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Jensen, Ruby Jean |
Hear the Children Cry |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Johansen, Iris |
The Reluctant Lark |
LS-24 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Johnston, Tony |
The Vanishing Pumpkin |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Jones, Nancy |
Jessie's Song |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Jordan, Penny |
Savage Atonement |
MB-2142 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-25-1983 |
Joyce, Janet |
Man of Glory |
SD-98 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Katz, Shelley |
Family Passions |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Kelley, Leo P. |
Cimarron and the Bounty Hunters |
Historical / H |
Nov-01-1983 |
Kent, Deborah |
Te Amo Means I Love You |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Kilgore, Axel |
China Bloodhunt |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
King-Hall, Magdalen |
The Wicked Lady |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-17-1983 |
Kirk, Michael |
Mayday from Malaga |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Krahn, Betina |
Rapture's Ransom // Not Quite Married |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Kunhardt, Philip B. |
Unknown Little Brown title |
Mystery / M |
Nov-01-1983 |
Kurtz, Katherine |
Lammas Night |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
L'engle, Madeleine |
A Severed Wasp |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
A Violation |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lamb, Charlotte |
A Secret Intimacy |
MB-2143 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lamott, Anne |
Rosie |
General Fiction / GF |
Oct-30-1983 |
Lang, Heather |
Thorn in My Side |
HAR-31 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Larson, Glen A.; Hill, Roger |
Knight Rider |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lavender, William |
Stone Hill |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lawrence, Lynn |
Deep in the Heart |
SC-157 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Le Varre, Deborah |
Captive Mistress |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Leckie, Robert |
Blood of Seventeen |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lee, Doris |
A Fire in the Soul |
SSE-131 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Leslie, Margot |
Lovestruck |
SC-156 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Liebman, Ron |
Grand Jury |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lindsey, Johanna |
Heart of Thunder |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Logan, Jake |
Slocum's Command |
Historical / H |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lord, Vivian |
Summer Kingdom |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Lyons, Mary |
Caribbean Confusion |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mackie, John |
River of Blood |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mackie, John |
Hit the Beach |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mackie, John |
Death Squad |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Macomber, Debbie |
Starlight |
SSE-128 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
MacWilliams, Margaret |
Beau Rivage |
Traditional Regency / RG |
Nov-01-1983 |
Magnuson, James |
Open Season |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Major, Ann |
Love Me Again |
SD-99 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Malamud, Bernard |
Stories of Bernard Malamud |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Malek, Doreen Owens |
That Certain Boy |
SFL-71 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mallory, Charlotte |
The Edge of Life |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Martin, Ione |
The Goldenrain Tree |
SR-260 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Martin, Judith |
Gilbert |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mayo, Margaret |
The Marriage Game |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
McCarty, Betsy |
A Passionate Flower |
AR |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-01-1983 |
McGiveny, Maura |
A Grand Illusion |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Mchargue, Georges |
Turquoise Toad Mystery |
Mystery / M |
Nov-01-1983 |
McKay, Simon |
The Seas of Fortune |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
McNaught, Judith |
Tender Triumph |
HS-86 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Meaney, Dee Morrison |
Death of the Raven |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Meretzky, S. Eric |
The Forces of Krill |
Science Fiction / SF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Meretzky, S. Eric |
Cavern of Doom |
Fantasy / F |
Nov-01-1983 |
Meretzky, S. Eric |
Malifestro Quest |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Miglis, John |
Killing Eyes |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-12-1983 |
Morgan, Alyssa |
No Other Love |
CER-191 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Morgan, Diana |
Amber Dreams |
RR-43 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Morgan, Raye |
Summer Wind |
SD-101 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Morgan, Stanley |
Laura Fitzgerald |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Morse, Nancy |
Race Against Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Nov-1983 |
Mortimer, Carole |
Subtle Revenge |
MB-2139 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Murphy, Warren; Sapir, Richard |
Last Drop |
Action Adventure / AA |
Nov-01-1983 |
Murray, Earl |
Charlo |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Myers, Russell |
Never Trust Short Green People |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-12-1983 |
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds |
A String of Chances |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Nixon, Joan Lowery |
A Deadly Game of Magic |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Nolan, Frederick |
White Nights Red Dawn |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
O'Brien, Saliee |
Creole |
Gothic / GO |
Nov-01-1983 |
O'Donnell, Lillian |
Cop Without a Shield |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Nov-01-1983 |
O'Gormon, Michael |
Clancy's Bulba |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Okimoto, Jean Davies |
Who Did It Jenny Lake |
Suspense / S |
Nov-01-1983 |
Oldfield, Elizabeth |
Take It or Leave It |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-11-1983 |
Oldfield, Elizabeth |
Beloved Stranger |
MB-2138 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |
Osborne, Mary Pope |
Love Always, Blue |
General Fiction / GF |
Nov-01-1983 |
Palmer, Diana |
Snow Kisses |
SD-102 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Nov-01-1983 |