A heartwarming story of new siblings captures the friendship, imagination, and occasional rivalry of a brother and baby sister growing up together. You were as small as a pumpkin, with a cute button nose. It was love at first sight . . . When a big brother meets the baby sibling he's been waiting for, he loves her immediately, but is a little disappointed at how little she can do. Soon it's time to show her the ropes! Walking, talking, hide-and-seek, reading, making Mom and Dad laugh -- he's got her covered. Even through tantrums and squabbles, each day they learn new things or make new friends, and wherever they go, they can always count on each other. In a charmingly illustrated story with sure appeal for families introducing a new baby, Ugandan-Canadian-Australian author Yvonne Sewankambo and illustrator Aurore McLeod relay the magic (and occasional missteps) of sibling relationships everywhere.