Before I was discarded for the final time on the doorstep of this place, I had been treated as a hand me down.A pushover that no one wanted and needed to get rid of, but I was happier then. The rules were never as strict, the punishments nowhere near as brutal, and no unkind word was ever spoken to me above a whisper.Things changed after I felt the cane for the first time.Spare the rod and spoil the child extends far greater than anyone can know inside the walls of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope-a place where no such thing exists, and if it does, it died inside of me such a long time ago that I can't remember what it feels like.The halls have gone silent lately and I like it best this way.I'll learn to be kind again and I'll bestow it on the person that needs it the most.And in the end, everything will be okay.