Henry swore after driving Corky and Cat to Key West to introduce Corky to his father, Jake as the bastard son he never knew about, he's returning to his girlfriend, Finee, in Matecumbe and back to struggling with his second novel. Two hours after dinner and drinks with Jake and Bull at Turtle Kraals then taking the night to Sloppy Joe's, Henry's wondering why he's still there slamming rum and cokes.
He's found the novel he wants to write, once again revolving around two Jake and Bull type characters and after today, he has Corky and Cat's Key West appearance to throw into the gumbo. Two kids seeking something new in their young lives. Is it the booze and company keeping him at Sloppy Joe's or the carnal temptation of even more debauchery after midnight onboard The Pleasure Odyssey anchored offshore? Is there anymore to glean watching Bull and Cat flirt endlessly with each other lost in their own drunken playground world while listening to Jake's mea culpa to Corky embellishing the trials and tribulations of his life, facing the music for not being in Corky's life when he was younger? Jake's convinced Corky had he known Corky was his son their lives would've been different and now he's making amends by telling and showing Corky how to live and breathe in Key West.
Henry's thinking, show Corky, what, Jake? Days and nights fishing and shrimping, piss poor one month and Cadillac rich the next? Boozing and whore dogging when not out on the water as you've did your whole life. Henry's heard that story since childhood. The struggles, sacrifices and vices of a self-proclaimed Hemingway have-not because he was born, a Florida Keys Conch who will live that life true to his roots until he dies.