It's easy to shed inhibitions in Key West where everybody seems to be on some kind of vacation. Locals and visitors alike. Enjoying the laid back atmosphere and tropical ambience Key West is famous for during the day then celebrating the jubilance of night after the sun goes down in a myriad splash of color.
Jake, Bull, Corky, Cat and Henry have been drinking at Sloppy Joe's for three hours on Bull's tab. Maybe the break between bands is taking too long. The last twenty minutes, Sloppy Joe's has gotten excessively loud. Henry decides to leave the mindless pandemonium of indecipherable words flying through the smoky air and call his girlfriend, Finee.
When he returns, Jake's talking with some charter boat buddies, Corky's at the table with his hands glued to his cocktail, nodding out, toeing the line of consciousness and Bull and Cat are still engrossed with each other. Nobody else exists or matters in Sloppy Joe's to them tonight. Henry's close to telling them, its motel time and telling himself, he needs to take it to a motel room, too.
He should be home with Finee working on his next novel. Earlier, when he explained why he's in Key West with Jake and Bull, who she knows, and Corky, who she's heard about but never met, and Cat, a young woman Corky's age, she's never heard of, Finee asked if Cat was Corky's girlfriend. He told her they both hitchhiked to Matecumbe yesterday wanting him to drive them to Key West so Corky could meet their father, Jake, for the first time and he left it at that.
Sometimes, masking the truth is harmless. But in Cayo Hueso, Bone Key, there's a skeleton in every closet. When inhibitions are stripped away drinking rum, secrets can be revealed.