In a world powered by the souls of the dead, a uniquely deformed girl embarks on a dark journey that takes her from a life of imposed solitude to the depths of human depravity. Accompanied by her only friend, a technologically-enhanced rat, young Lucretia Bonnecourt spirals into a world so demented and cruel that it is only rivaled by the nightmare landscapes of her own, psychotic fugues. Will she survive the wicked and debaucherous world which threatens to claim her? Or will she be lost forever to the altered states of exodus?
Praise for William Todd Rose “Rose never lets up when it comes to disturbing concepts. . . .” --
Publishers Weekly “Rose has a gift for creating believable science fiction worlds that are wrought with real, and even imagined, dangers around every corner.” --
Savvy Verse & Wit “Rose provides intensity in his writing trifecta pertaining to environment, emotions, and incredibly halting vivid horror backdrops.” --
A Tattered Copy