Young Hawk and Thunder, Guardians of the Magic Forest by William Sutton is an enchanting children's book about Young Hawk, a 12-year-old Native American boy, who through an incredible act of fate, becomes friends with the wolves and other animals who live in a magic forest nearby. Young Hawk grows up learning the ways of his people. He knows that spirits inhabit the forest and that man can communicate with animals, but he never expects to be the one chosen by the wolves to be a conduit between their kind and humans. Life is magical for Young Hawk as he hones exciting new skills. But when renegades attack his village and kidnap the daughter of the chief, it is up to Young Hawk and his sidekick, a wolf named Thunder, to come to her rescue. Children will love the thrill-a-minute adventures, while their parents will appreciate the wonderful background in Indian lore. Full of plot turns and twists and wonderful characters, Young Hawk and Thunder is magical itself.