When American retiree Robert Manchester chooses Afghanistan as a tourist destination in 2003, his decision springs from simple necessity. He feels sorrow and guilt, and the need to get away and try to forget his remorseful role in the recent death of his wife of many years. Thus he thinks a quick trip to such an exotic place as Afghanistan might provide the mind-clearing experience he seeks. Never does he suspect the journey might cause him also to be suddenly handed responsibility first for four Moslem widows, then a whole house full of Afghan women taking refuge from mistreatment in that war-torn land. Nor can he remotely imagine his actions will lead to finding affection...and maybe even love...again. The Old Man And The Harem/I Will Always Love You presents a dual-track love story. It tells of Robert's love for--but long-term failure with--his dear, dead wife, then the opening of new optimism when he aligns himself with the widows of his Moslem friend. In this, however, both he and the widows are threatened by many elements, amongst which struts Hassan, who contends the widows are his property, because he is the Moslem and next in line of inheritance, even if his uncle did have different plans for them. And he takes steps to make that contention a reality, leading to armed confrontation between Hassan and Robert Manchester, with homicide in the balance. In some ways the story could be described as The Man Who Would Be King meets A Thousand Splendid High Noon. During the course of the action the story explores the nature of Islam, and Christianity, and Atheism, and their relationship to each other. It also brings to the old man--and the reader--a rich understanding of the beginnings of Islam and its culture, and its connection to Judaism, and in that process pushes a lot of hot buttons concerning Islamic fundamentalism, Christian precepts, feminism, and the institution of marriage. Not for shrinking violets!