This is a love story is about a travelling Romany who visits the home of Lizzy Lanigan in Portlaw during the year of 1955. Lizzy is a newly-wed, who was married a mere three months earlier. The peg-selling gypsy persuades Lizzy to have her palm read for the cost of two shillings.
The Romany fortune teller then informs Lizzy that she will give birth to a girl child within the year who will be named ‘Mary'. Lizzy is informed that she will give birth to a total of seven children during her life, but that her firstborn will be a ‘special' child, who, when her time comes, will also give birth to seven children, of whom the firstborn will be a ‘special' girl, also named ‘Mary'.
The Romany also reveals that the Lanigan legacy of ‘specialness' will be passed down for generations, providing that mother and firstborn maintain its secret. If the secret is kept as instructed, the Lanigan family will be blessed, but if the secret is told to another; the Lanigan descendants will be cursed!