I grew up on my mother's stories. Although an Irish woman of small stature and imaginative mind, stories didn't come any ‘taller' than those tales told by my mother. They would stretch the bounds of one's credulity beyond the realms of possibility, and yet, she always made me ‘want to believe them'. Having been persuaded to return to writing, I decided to recount some of the stories told to me by my mother long ago. Being a person with my own imagination, I have taken the germ of her tale and elaborated it with the aid of 70 years of wisdom and a splash of literary licence to come up with the final result. This love story is about a dying man and his personal assistant in his haulage firm. During the last fourteen days of his life, the dying man's lover strikes up a new relationship in the hospital ward with a patient in an adjacent bed. After her lover's death, she disappears and the new patient, who is infatuated with her, pursues his dream across the Irish Sea, only to discover that love is never smooth.