Meet Ukiah Oregon, a unique young man with accelerated senses who was raised by wolves, domesticated by two women, and trained as a tracker by a private investigator. And that's the normal part of his life....
Ukiah's alien-enhanced abilities are put to the test when police request his assistance in tracking a missing boy who has a habit of getting lost and being found in unusual places. The authorities fear that the kid's latest disappearance may be linked to a series of kidnappings.
Then Ukiah suddenly finds himself under scrutiny by Homeland Security. Agents discovered a dead member of the Temple of New Reason cult with stolen photographs of Ukiah in his possession. The government suspects that a connection exists between the sect and Ukiah, one even he can't identify.
But before Ukiah can investigate the cult's interest in him, his own son is abducted. Now, with suspicious government agents watching his every move, he must track down the kidnappers--and pray that they're not enemies from his past, the alien Ontongard, looking for revenge....