PERIL PRESS presents:Argosy, May 4 1935THE SPIRIT OF THE THINGby W. C. TuttleCarnivals are sure good fun if you get into the spirit of them, those four rangeland roughnecks thoughtCowboys capsize a carnival show6100 WordsPLUS BONUS!!!Argosy, May 4 1935FAME FROM A FLEA???S NECKLACEby Clarence M. Fink240 WordsArgosy, May 4 1935ROCKETSby Delos White160 WordsArgosy, May 4 1935PLANT MURDERERS OF THE JUNGLEby Gerald FitzGerald260 WordsArgosy, May 4 1935POLE-VAULTING PEASANTSby J. W. Holden90 WordsThis edition includes 9 images between story illustration, ads, feature titles, masthead, pulp cover, plus a GALLERY of 12 pulp covers to West magazine from issues that feature stories by W.C. Tuttle.