This the fifth book in the Alan Hast Mystery Series, “ Fate Chance and Free will” is an intriguing, thought-provoking and infectious story of mystery and romance that combines several complicated action plots. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union may have ended, but the tools of war are still available for a price in some agencies of the previous USSR. A small group of Islamic radicals, with ties in the Bosnia portion of the former Yugoslavia, who have an allegiance to the Taliban and they have planned for a one person attack on the United Nations complex in New York City. This attack will be accomplished with a small but powerful, nuclear suit case bomb. This ultra-secret terrorist group goes by the name of the Crescent Swath and they are building a network of militant followers in the United States, South East Asia and Bosnia. The Crescent Swath plan calls for a diversion of global law enforcement agencies by incorporating a campaign of misinformation about a totally separate plot being formulated by a deranged Italian " American businessman who wants to assassinate the Vice President and four U.S. Congressmen with a stolen Chinese Naval Mine while they are on a boat trip.