“A Mega Blast” is the second in a series of sixteen Murder/Mystery Action Fiction books by W. Matthew “Matt” Hart, with the main character being a Major Alan Hast, USMC. Alan and his team have been assigned the task of investigating unusual incidences and enemy intelligence information that could become potential criminal or terrorist acts against the U.S. Navy and related civilian participation. In this fast moving, action packed story Alan discovers that he has been jilted by the women he loves. He decides to take some time off because he is hired to temporarily take command of a luxury yacht cruising south along the east coast of the United States from Newport, RI to Puerto Rico and then on to St. Maarten. During the early part of the voyage he discovers that the owners of the yacht are a syndicate that is known for murder and mayhem for hire based out of South America. He uncovers initial details that this syndicate has been hired to blow up an LNG tanker ship. As Alan gathers more details he determines that the real target is the USS George Washington Carrier Strike Group that is sailing in the Caribbean and due in Puerto Rico.