“A Case of Mistaken Identity” is the third in a series of fifteen, stand-alone Crime/Mystery, Action-Thriller books by W. Matthew Hart. The central character in this series is Major Alan Hast, a U.S. Marine who is involved with a classified crime prevention team associated with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. The scope of this unique “Special Options Team called “Spec-Ops” is to bring together a combination of highly technical criminal investigators, aviators, sailors and highly trained Navy Seals. The purpose of this Spec Ops Team is for the pursuit of several different secret assignments that investigate, identify and try to prevent crimes of sabotage, murder and other corruption against the U.S Navy, Naval property and naval personnel, before any incidents happen. Once a situation is discovered; and depending on the location of the investigation, the Spec Ops Team coordinates their activities with the appropriate CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, NCIS and local law enforcement authorities. “A Case of Mistaken Identity” is a multi-plot adventure that moves quickly to blend together interesting plots and characters that are involved with a Caribbean drug cartel, an unknown assassin; massive drug smuggling and money laundering that are using military aircraft and the inclusion of some unconventional romances. The story includes action in the Caribbean, South America and the United States in the early 1990's with actual locations, real life situations and surprise conclusions.