Recently divorced Lilly Echosby finds a community of new friends at a Tennessee dog club, never guessing she'd be groomed to solve a murder close to home...
Sure, Lilly Echosby's husband dumped her after thirty years of marriage, but there's an upside, too. She's recharging her CPA career, trading brutal Michigan winters for the sunny south, and best of all, she can finally get a puppy. Enrolling her new toy poodle, Agatha Christie, at the Eastern Tennessee Dog Club also comes with a new best friend: club trainer and southern belle, Scarlet “Dixie” Jefferson. Unfortunately, not everything in Lilly's life is quite so cuddly. Her neighbor, Bradley Hurston, is a cantankerous, growling, poodle-hating blowhard. For Lilly, snapping back at him in public wasn't exactly the best revenge. The next day Bradley is murdered in the community pool and Lilly becomes number one suspect. Now the fur is really going to fly...
On the scent to find the real culprit, Lilly and Dixie discover that Bradley's bad-neighbor policy was blocks long. So is the list of suspects. But is aggressive behavior a motive to kill? Lilly and Dixie think there's more to Bradley's past. Something more sinister. And they have every reason to fear that Bradley won't be the last in the community to be put down.